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Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

How To Get Cash For Gold Jewelry?

People are having difficulties in the financial aspect these days. We are encountering difficulty in stretching in our basic income due to the current economic crisis. In the market, the exaggeration of health care and insurance costs is still braised by the people. Backed up loans and debts continue to pile up. It is the best time to trade your jewelry for cash.

Our jewelry box contains old jewelries that are just stored. At times, we just don't like wearing them because they may be out of style. And many of us may have declined getting rid of them because it is something that we bought so expensive. We sometimes keep the jewelries because of the worth. There is good news in our jewelries which is one saturated market. We can actually turn those jewelries or jewelry for cash with just a little effort on our part. In case of emergency, we can use the money. The answer to all your financial constraints relies on swapping your jewelry for cash.

Selling your jewelry for cash in the boutique shops or jewelers is one way to have the best value of your interest. There are also some vintage collectors that may be interested in your items, so you can make an online store and post them so that customers can view it and you can actually sell them with the price that you want. Jewelries could turn out to be more desirable with these scrap gold buyers. They are everywhere around us and they offer a great value for the gold jewelries that you have no use for.

All the time gold has been acquiring great investment 'cause gold beholds a symbol of wealth. The benefit of keeping your jewelries even for a long time can be used when you're in need. You can sell your jewelries not only when you're in need among others. It will be a great opportunity to invest the cash gained from selling your jewelries.

Today's rate for gold jewelry is such a great deal. It is a guaranteed solution for any financial needs. It is not practical to treasure those old jewelries in times of financial emergencies. It's very simple to have cash for gold jewelry. There are many ways in selling jewelries for cash. Dozens of companies nowadays are buying gold jewelries, diamonds and other precious stones, not to forget other types of gold coins. To avoid fraud in buying gold, the Better Business Bureau can help you with the list of competent business companies. When inquiring about their history, you should be wise. A good endorsement from a friend and/or colleagues who already tried selling jewelry for cash will be a great assistance. Exert efforts in looking for a reputable buyer of gold because a reliable gold buyer will give you clear and detailed instruction and a quoted price.

Compare prices and asking for quotes from different gold buyers companies or even online to top your dollar. To know the worth of the jewelry that you are selling, it is primarily substantial to know the worth. Having your jewelries evaluated or assessed, it will be a great idea to know the exact amount to know the value and by considering selling it. Selling your jewelry for cash is an ideal time to avail to solve all your financial needs.

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Successful Internet Marketing Steps

Because it's a new year people tend to reflect on their work and see what was working and what was not working. This is especially true in the Internet marketing world. Putting forth new energy and ideas in your efforts can most definitely revitalize your results. It's not necessary though to eliminate everything you've done in the prior year so just analyze what worked and carry over those efforts in this new year.

You should first examine your current strategy and see what efforts you can drop. When developing your new strategy be sure to incorporate these proven Internet marketing training steps:

1. Focus on People and not Search Engines
You should always concentrate your efforts on your audience. This means when you write your content write for your audience first and search engines second. Your audience are the ones who are going to promote your site, link to you, and be repeat visitors. The way to do this is write your article post without doing any keyword research. After it is written go to a keyword tool such as Google's and find related keywords that have a good number of searches. Try and fit these keywords in your article but make sure it looks natural.

2. Look at your internal links structure
It's ok to link to yourself so go ahead and do it within your articles. When you're writing content make sure you link to other posts that you've written and use proper anchor text. This helps search engines find those posts and turn them into inbound links.

3. Use pictures
The third step in these Internet marketing training tips suggest to use images as part of your efforts. They spruce up your content which makes your post look more impressive. This also increases your chances of being found if people are doing image searches. On your images be sure to include a clear description in your ALT caption and include the word "picture" or "image".

4. Look at your page titles
Do not make the mistake of wasting space in your titles with extraneous or frivolous words. Keep your title roughly 65 characters including spaces and include relevant keywords and descriptions. For example, if you're looking for a junk removal company in Tampa, FL a suggested title may be Tampa Junk Removal | XYZ Junk Removal Services | 813-555-1234

5. The more content the better
It's a fact that the search engines like quality content - and a lot of it! The more pages you have is the better the chance of being found. The best way to do this is through a blog. Even the most technologically-challenged person can easily produce weekly blog posts. By utilizing this Internet marketing tactic your website will stay fresh and offer the search engines more content to display in the search results.

These Internet marketing training tips from the University of San Francisco are the beginning and lays the foundation for optimal search engine optimization. Internet marketing trends will come and go but these steps will last year over year and help you maintain and grow your business for years to come. If you'd like to learn more or take an Internet marketing course please visit USF's page at www.USanFranOnline.com

This Article was provided by ArticleGold: Article Directory

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

UTS Pengantar Internet

Nama : Rosihan Amri
TTL. : Ternate,20 Oktober 1990
Alamat : Jl.A.Yani no.17A,Purworejo.
Email : rosihanamri@ymail.com

Senin, 14 November 2011

Sejarah UANG

Uang merupakan alat tukar dan alat pembayaran yang sah. pada masa-masa sebelumnya, pembayaran dilakukan dengan cara barter, yaitu barang ditukar dengan barang secara langsung.

Sejarah Uang

Pada jaman dahulu, jual beli dilakukan dengan sistem barter. Barter adalah perdagangan yang dilakukan dengan cara tukar menukar barang, setelah barter orang mulai menggunakan alat pembayaran yang disepakati.

Sebelum menggunakan uang, orang menggunakan barang yang tertentu sebagai alat pembayaran, misalnya kulit kerang, mutiara, batu permata, tembaga, emas, perak , manik-manik, dan gigi binatang.

Pada zaman modern uang digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran. dengan menggunakan uang, manusia berusaha memenuhi kebutuhannya.

Jenis-Jenis Uang

Jenis-Jenis uang di bagi menjadi dua yaitu:

  • Uang kartal

Uang kartal adalah uang yang digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Uang kartal berupa uang logam dan uang kertas, mata uang negara kita adalah Rupiah, uang pertama yang dibuat oleh Indonesia adalah Oeang Republik Indonesia.

Lembaga yang bertugas dan mengawasi peredaran uang rupiah adalah Bank Indonesia, sedangkan perusahaan yang mencetak uang rupiah adalah Perum Peruri (Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia).

  • Uang Giral

Uang giral adalah surat berharga yang dapat diuangkan di bank atau dikantor pos. Contoh uang giral, cek, giro pos, wesel dan surat berharga.Uang giral biasanya digunakan untuk transaksi dengan nilai uang yang sangat besar.

Kegunaan uang ialah Uang dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran, alat penukar, alat penentu harga, dan dapat pula di tabung.

Dibawah ini adalah daftar mata uang di dunia yang berlaku saat ini, diantaranya sebagai berikut :

Abbesinia : Dollar Afghanistan : Afgani
Afrika Selatan : Rand Afrika Tengah : Franc
Albania : Lek Aliazair : Dinar
Amerika Serikat : Dollar Angola : Kwanza
Argentina : Peso Australia : Dollar
Austria : Shilling Bangladesh : Taha
Belanda : Gulden Belgia : Franc
Bolivia : Boliviarnus Brazil : Cruzeiro
Brunei Darussalam : Dollar Bulgaria : Lev
Canada : Dollar Cekoslovakia : Koruna
Ceylon : Rupee Chad : Franc
Chili : Peso Cina : Yuan
Denmark : Krone Dominika : Peso
EI Salvador : Kolon Emirat Arab : Dirham

Selengkapnya lihat di Daftar Mata Uang Dunia

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011


Uang dalam ilmu ekonomi tradisional didefinisikan sebagai setiap alat tukar yang dapat diterima secara umum. Alat tukar itu dapat berupa benda apapun yang dapat diterima oleh setiap orang di masyarakat dalam proses pertukaran barang dan jasa. Dalam ilmu ekonomi modern, uang didefinisikan sebagai sesuatu yang tersedia dan secara umum diterima sebagai alat pembayaran bagi pembelian barang-barang dan jasa-jasa serta kekayaan berharga lainnya serta untuk pembayaran hutang.Beberapa ahli juga menyebutkan fungsi uang sebagai alat penunda pembayaran.

Keberadaan uang menyediakan alternatif transaksi yang lebih mudah daripada barter yang lebih kompleks, tidak efisien, dan kurang cocok digunakan dalam sistem ekonomi modern karena membutuhkan orang yang memiliki keinginan yang sama untuk melakukan pertukaran dan juga kesulitan dalam penentuan nilai. Efisiensi yang didapatkan dengan menggunakan uang pada akhirnya akan mendorong perdagangan dan pembagian tenaga kerja yang kemudian akan meningkatkan produktifitas dan kemakmuran.

Pada awalnya di Indonesia, uang —dalam hal ini uang kartal— diterbitkan oleh pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Namun sejak dikeluarkannya UU No. 13 tahun 1968 pasal 26 ayat 1, hak pemerintah untuk mencetak uang dicabut. Pemerintah kemudian menetapkan Bank Sentral, Bank Indonesia, sebagai satu-satunya lembaga yang berhak menciptakan uang kartal. Hak untuk menciptakan uang itu disebut dengan hak oktroi.